Christian Brigades
Bringing hope by sharing God’s love.
Reaching out where the need is greatest.
Empowering others for a healthy and sustainable future.
Our Medical Brigades are the primary vehicle we use in order to make entrance into a community. It helps build trust with the families we serve and local leaders.
Building relationships with the local people, creates the foundation for evaluating the communities’ needs.
This allows us to develop strong relationships with the local health department which is important to sustain long term projects and follow up with our most critical patients.
“Missions are accomplished by the hands of those who give, by the knees of those who pray, and by the feet of those who go.” As a Legacy member your prayers and recurring monetary gifts allow Christian Brigades to go and take medical and spiritual empowerment to underserved communities around the world. Because of your generosity we are able to treat over 3,000 patients each year. As a Legacy member you’ll receive updates of the work we are doing along with videos and pictures of the people we serve.Thank you for changing lives with us! We wouldn’t be able to do this without your support!

“Christian Brigades gives us the opportunity to grow as leaders, and discover our talents at another level.” - Marcos Velazquez, Volunteer
“Christian Brigades lives out their values to Hope, Reach and Empower. This is why I enjoyed being a part of their team. It impacted my life.” - Marlene Vega, Volunteer
“Christian Brigades not only helps bring medical attention but also brings the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who need it. God had blessed me and I wanted to be a blessing to someone else.” - Ana De Dios, Legacy Member
“Every CB Supporter should know that their monetary support IS making a difference. I’ve seen people come in with oppression and pain written on their face and leave with expressions of hope and healing. That change is simply priceless.”
- Pastor Daniel Martinez, Volunteer
“Volunteering with Christian Brigades confirmed my decision to attend medical school. This experience will help anyone interested in the medical field be sure of pursuing their career path.” - Rosalinda Lango, Volunteer